welcome to Interracial love and spice2012

Welcome to Interracial love and spice 2012!
My email is: taylorsara1991@yahoo.com

Sunday, October 7, 2012

How the rich get richer- and how you can too!

Hello Ladies (and Gents)
I know I've been gone a few weeks. I suspect you all know why, but I'm ok and life must go on......

I think the one thing lower income ppl never seem to realize is that success always leaves clues. It's really rather amazing to me that every town has a library and yet ppl continue to walk around ignorant of how to improve their circumstances!! That's absolutely incredible! Did you know that in Africa young girls dodge bullets to get to school! So intent are they on getting an education that they are willing to risk death! How many blacks in America would be willing to do the same? They will give up FOOD down there to pay for the privilege of schooling! Remember Food is more precious than gold down there. Yet education is something we can get completely for free down here and yet we have kids (esp. males) dropping out like flies!

Did you know that immigrants who come here are 20x more likes to become millionaires than the ppl born and bred right here! Why? Because sometimes you just can't see the forest for the trees.
Many Americans are so inundated in opportunity that they simply can longer recognize it.
All I'm talking about is a little shift in perception. If you were to decide to take a notebook and jot down 10 money making opportunities around your town, do you know you would actually have to force yourself to STOP at 10! Opportunity is everywhere and yet you have so many ppl broke and afraid! Stop and think for a moment if you knew that you could create a money making business anywhere in the world would you be worried about your little job, or would you be free to live life any way, and anywhere you wanted? I AM going to give you ladies some wealth tips because I strongly believe that
' if your money ain't right ain't nothin right in your life' but I want you all to have a more solid foundation and know the main difference between the rich and poor. And it's amazingly easy to understand. Besides having a prosperity consciousness -later...... the main difference is.............

The rich buy Assets and the poor buy liabilities!!! 

I want you all to think about MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice. Back in the day they both became big, if not faddish- rap stars. The record company seemed to promote them in the same way. When VI first came out he was mega hot and dressed stylishly in a multitude of black outfits. We were swooning over him, he was soooo handsome! MC H. was such a great dancer and performer, it was pure excitement to watch him, but along the way, the record company seemed determined to move them both onto the path of extremely bad marketing, and clownism. They both began to wear the most garish outfits, with pants that resembled something from a circus, and they both began to lose their audience, and suffered career disintegration. However, the striking difference between them is what happened then. Mc H had purchased a 10 million dollar mansion that he was now having trouble paying for and keeping up. He signed up with Death Row, and tried to go hard core to enable him to continue to make the kind of money he had become accustomed to. VI on the other hand seeing his music career waning used much of his unspent money to purchase investment properties. As the money from the music career came to a halt (Mc H- hardcore attempt was a fail from day one) both rappers were depressed and disillusioned. However, one was depressed comfortably in a mansion, and one was depressed on a relative's couch! Make no mistake about it. VI had purchased a mansion too just as MC H had. but he had bought a MODEST one that was more than supported by the income property he owned, and income was NOT a concern. He has stated many times that he is very rich, and never needs to work again!  MC H on the other hand had spent millions on parties, friends, houses, cars etc. When the tide turned, he was virtually penniless, and destitute. He was forced to make low budget commercials to survive!  This is a great example of rich and poor mindsets. MC H was thinking like a poor man even when he was making millions! This is why he was buying everything in sight trying to impress ppl, and having no respect for the money he was making.
MONEY NEVER STAYS WHERE IT IS NOT RESPECTED! Said another way, a fool and his money......
Ladies, the rich use money to MAKE MONEY! it's really as simple as that. The poor on the other hand, use money to impress or to have fun. They never think about tomorrow, they are too busy living for the day. This is why their lives are feast and famine. They get money, celebrate and go blow it on things that lose value before they can get it off the lot. Did you know that a brand new car loses 20% of its value as you drive it off the lot!!! We never drive brand new cars. We always buy them 2-3 years old. It's ridiculous to waste money like that. If Hammer had taken the millions he blew buying a home far too large for his small family, he could have purchased a more modest mansion, and bought income property just like ice did. He could have never HAD to work again either. How you spend your money is very important because it will make or break your life........It's all about CHOICE.

Le me give you another exp. I have 2 friends. We'll call them Kim and Tina.  Years ago, they bought loved expensive sneakers. I mean the kind that cost 200.00+ a pair. Anyway they both used to spend most of their paychecks on these ridiculously priced sneakers no matter how I chided them. After a few years Kim met, and  began to date a nerdy-but wealthy white guy who expressed horror that she would pay 200+ for a pair of sneakers! He told her that only when the rich became super-rich did they spend outrageously on things, and even then it was only after they had so many assets coming into their portfolios, that they would not even feel the outgo. He suggested a simple solution. "If you really love the sneaker, why don't you buy the stock?" he suggested. And that's exactly what she did. Tina laughed like crazy at the time. She thought Kim was crazy to date a white nerd or buy stock instead of sneakers.  Today years later, Tina is no longer laughing. She works 55+ hours a week, and can't even afford to take a sick day off as the bills from all the things 'she just had to have' are eating her alive. Her husband, a handsome-but philandering bm left her with 3 kids, and a stack of bills. He's bullying her relentlessly for a divorce so he can marry some blond, and the bill collectors have cost her 2 jobs now, by continually calling her at work. She is stressed to the point of a nervous breakdown, and crying -it seems every time I see her-which is often. Kim on the other hand is happily married to the 'nerd' They own stock in many companies including the sneaker Company that financed her way through college. They live quite a lavish lifestyle. She owns an interior design company, which she loves, and they give away more to charity each year then the average American makes. And it all boiled down to the CHOICES these two women made....

Anyway ladies I wanted to give you a few tips that the millionaires and those of us who just live like them use.... Whenever I throw one in, I will call it LLM tip ( live like a millionaire tip)

If you are in dire straights and need a fast job, here are two great ways to get one.

1. Get a great Job!  Way # 1
Have a friend call one of the 'upper head- recruiter' in the field you are interested in. Have that friend mention your name and tell them that her company is trying to obtain your services because "you are the best in the field" She should act as if she wants desperately to hire you for her company, and to ask several times if they have heard of you, and how she may contact you. Now you may think this trick does not work, but I can assure you that it does. Ppl are very competitive, and the only thing  many of these recruiter types like more than getting the top ppl for their companies, is stealing top ppl and ideas from other companies. Many times after a few calls like this, the buzz will start-rumors about your performance will take a life of their own, and everyone in that field will be looking to hire you! In fact I know someone who has perpetrated this scam a few times-it really works!

2.  Get a great Job!  #2
  If you really want to be able to get your pick of the great jobs-then watch the crowd and go in the opposite direction. You should do that in life anyway, as most ppl live their whole lives in lack, so it's quite dangerous to follow them. Anyway, here is how to get a great job -2. Forget the want ads. Everyone and their mama is looking there, and fighting for those few positions with employers swamped and able to demand more and more skills while paying less and less wages. This does not bode well as all for the typical job seeker. Try this technique instead. Go have a look at the yellow pages instead. Go to the field of your choosing (provided you are qualified for it-or it Will backfire) and make a list of all the companies you might like to work for. Next get some outrageously colored LARGE postcards, and send the companies what amounts to a 'commercial' about you.

For example:    Graphic Artist Extraordinaire!
Could you use a talented, honest, hard working experienced, competent and sought after Graphic Artist? I have great references, and am available to start immediately. I can almost guarantee you a more profitable business! Call me at ------------- Or Write: 555 Main St, Anytown USA...........
This is a very effective technique because many times the ppl in the 'book' are too busy to go hunting for new help, but could definitely use some. Also it prevents you from being lost in a thousand resumes which all start to sound the same after a while. The key as with most things in life, is to stand out.I can almost guarantee you a job if you earnestly use this technique.

LLM tip 1.    How to make 150.000 + per yr as a consultant!

This is a great tip because it's so effective and easy to put into effect. Get an appt. with a company you are very interested in. (Don't bother with things or companies you are not interested in, you'll have to force yourself to 'work' and it won't be very effective. Now if you have trouble getting the right ppl on line, or are too far away -send letters. ( Use Letterhead that designates you as a consultant) Explain to them that you are ready and willing to give them great ideas about how to increase profits/make better products etc. Explain that they will only pay you on increased SALES! And that they owe you nothing if no increase takes place.  Also explain that when they no longer need your improved version, or cease to use your ideas, their pymts to you can legally cease-with no further obligation. If you send this letter to 50 companies I can almost guarantee you, some of them WILL be interested! And you can get paid for years on ideas that took you an hour or so to come up with! Always know that more gold has come from the minds of men than has EVER come from the ground!

Last LLM tip is my Fav.  How to be a Million -Dollar Real Estate Broker!

You all know how much I love Real Estate so of course this is the one I would choose if I could only pick one of these tips. It works like this:

In America there are over 1 million ppl with a real estate licence (which only cost about 500-600$) to get. However, only about half are active, and most of even the active ones are only used sporadically. IOWs most ppl in America pay for the licence and then leave it on a shelf-probably because they are too busy watching tv. Anyway, few ppl are using their licence and fewer still are dealing in high dollar properties. Most people are just not comfortable going too far out of their own income range in any area. As with anything else, to the hustler-goes the spoils....

The plan.  get your  RE licence from a reputable company. I went to Princeton school of RE, and I know it's still less than 800 to go there. You can look them up on the Internet, they have schools in many states and are considered creme de la creme. Once you obtain your lic. You will need to work as an agent for a few months depending on your state. This is a great time to get your feet wet, and make all the contacts you can. Remember also that in many other countries RE lic's take years instead of months -so consider yourself fortunate. You will find several brokers happy to have you as they don't have to pay you unless you produce. You can easily keep your regular job while showing properties in your spare time. Once your apprenticeship is over go get your broker's licence.
Begin immediately to present the illusion of wealth. Have gorgeous stationery and business cards printed. Splurge on a nice briefcase, and suit. Ladies make sure the hem of your skirt is NOT far above your knee! If you want your clothes to say sexy and sophisticated that's fine, but you don't want to look like an intelligent tramp....

Visit wealthy listed homes and give the owners your card. Let them know that you 'specialize' in wealthy homes and would like to obtain the listing when their current one expires. (Most are for 90 days) but expensive properties can take much longer to sell. Tell them you have excellent contacts and would be delighted to help them move their properties.. The going rate is still 6 percent, but even if you have one of your agents sell the property, you will still clear 30k on a million dollar home without even selling it! If you sell yourself because you are broker and selling agent you would clear 60K! Imagine doing just 4 per year! You have just made 250.000 for the year!! This is great money, and you would still get 3 percent of everything all of your agents sell!

So like I said there are too many ways to make money to count, and no one should be struggling and unhappy, but if you are, then just ask yourself what you are interested in and go for it. You have nothing to lose, and I've found that if you keep asking for something, AND putting in the work, sooner or later it Will begin to make it's way to you almost like it has a mind of it's own...-Good luck everyone...........