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Welcome to Interracial love and spice 2012!
My email is: taylorsara1991@yahoo.com

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Believe what a man DOES -not what he SAYS

Hi everyone, I know it's been forever.

I've been working like a demon to get a new biz going and have neglected even my own fam.
But thank God it's at the point I can put someone else at the helm and concentrate on my favorite things again....

The reason I had to profile this story is because I simply could not believe anyone could really be this naive and gullible in this day and age! What is the world are girls learning at home these days? I can't imagine what this woman was thinking letting a man USE her like this! And make no mistake about it that is exactly what he was doing. He knew he had no intentions of marrying this woman, yet he left her dangling on a string for years! This is what I want to get across to some of you more trusting (usually younger) women. Even seemingly nice men will do you wrong all day long if you ALLOW it. 

This is why Evia is constantly telling women not to engage in magical thinking because you will be the fool left out in the cold in the long run. Now this woman after 40 years of love and devotion is forced to sleep on her child's sofa! He simply stopped paying the house bills, and walked away. 

She has no job, no business, no means of support, no nothing. And even as the world tisks tisks about how wrong he is (And of course he is wrong). How many ppl do you honestly think are reaching out to help her? My guess is probably just her children. I doubt her parents are living (she's 60) and her siblings probably think her a fool (which by the way she is-but he was a complete jerk). 
Below is the exerpt from the article...

Sesame Street Gordon dumps wife
The ex-wife of one of Sesame Street’s most lovable characters has filed for spousal support after she alleges he dumped her for a younger woman.
Roscoe Orman, who played the kind and nurturing “dad” Gordon Robinson, is accused of leaving his ex-wife, Sharon Orman, “destitute” after 40 years of marriage.
“I want people to know he’s been living a double life,” Sharon told The NY Post’s Page Six. “I gave up my career to raise the kids and never cheated on him. I am the one who made him a ‘Sesame Street’ dad. This is what I get after 40 years? You can leave me now?”
The Ormans, who have 4 grown children, never legally married.

Roscoe, who for 30 years played father figure Gordon Robinson and still makes occasional appearances, is being accused of cheating on Sharon, with whom he has four children. In 2010, she says she found pictures on his phone of much younger Kimberley Lamarque, whom he wed in December 2012.
Sharon, who even took Roscoe’s name, argues she’s entitled to spousal support, and has filed a complaint against Roscoe in New Jersey Superior Court. She states they were “living together as husband and wife for almost 40 years,” and she was named as his wife on mortgages, deeds and tax filings.
Sharon’s lawyer Charles P. Cohen told us: “For more than 39 years, Sharon served as a homemaker and mother, dedicating her life to Roscoe and their four children. She has no savings or financial security, and has now been left homeless and financially destitute as Mr. Orman has left her for a younger woman, without providing any means of support.”

Unfortunately for Ms Orman (who actually changed her name to fool ppl into thinking she was married) NJ is NOT a community property state. Most likely this woman will end of with nothing. All of the children are grown, so no child support. They never legally married, so no spousal support, and everything was in HIS name. She is totally screwed. Ladies when you allow a man to walk all over you, you would be shocked at how long he will continue to walk all over you. Marriage is NOT JUST A PIECE OF PAPER! As this woman has now found out. And if it was just a piece of paper and nothing else, then why in 40 years did he not go with her to the justice of the peace and get that piece of paper? Because he knew it was much more than that, this is further confirmed by the fact that he quickly married Ms Lemarque (picture inset). All of the money and accounts were in HIS name. She cannot even go to the bank and withdraw living expenses. She is totally dependent on the kindness of others now. And others tend to be very unkind when you are desperate...

Let this be a lesson to you ladies, YOU CANNOT afford to bury your pretty little heads in the sand and play stupid. No one is going to have your back if you don't. The fact that this seemingly sweet kind man could do this to this gullible older woman begs the question; what do you think the average man will do? You MUST have your own, and you MUST protect your own interests. If a man refuses to marry you-there is a reason-duh! And the reason usually is -he is waiting for a better version to come along, or he is just not into you enough to make you the Mrs. But he will NEVER tell you this. He will hem and haw and lie through his teeth to keep you in place. Remember I told yall about how even the nicest guy will use you as a place holder IF you allow it. Never spend inordinate amounts of time or energy on men who are obviously using you. I cannot for one second understand how such a mature woman could fall for such nonsense-but I hope she serves as a viable example to all the silly girls out there believing  "It's just a piece of paper!"....