welcome to Interracial love and spice2012

Welcome to Interracial love and spice 2012!
My email is: taylorsara1991@yahoo.com

Saturday, May 11, 2013

live and love, and don't give becky the attention she craves...

Okay, wanted to let you ladies know what's going on. When I was forced to start black woman's guide... I could not get the old blog name back (don't know why) but a friend of mine somehow got it back with 2012 added. So it's  Interracial love and spice2012
so the name is changed that's all. I'm going to throw a few old posts in to get the name into the search engines, so if you see old material at the start-that's why...... whew it's good to have the old name back-I really like it....

You ladies are REALLY changing! It's so wonderful to see and experience! The following letter illustrates what I am talking about. In the past, when ww have tried valiantly to make bw jealous, all she had to do was simply let it be known that she was dating/marrying/or seeing a bm. That was the past. Things are definitely changing. With more and more bw dating/mating and marrying wm. We finally seem to be coming to the point where we no longer give a damn!! HOORAY!!!  This is the healthiest attitude you ladies can take on. It's ridiculous to stomp and scream when you see bm with other women. She's really doing you a favor -taking the 'problem' off your hands. You really should make her some homemade cookies as a thank you...

I liken it to if you have a beautiful home (relationship) and you meet someone bragging about their beautiful home, you will probably be happy for them, but not impressed. If, on the other hand, you live in a shack and someone is bragging about their beautiful home, you may be angry and jealous because it's something you desperately want and feel you have no way to attain it. The same can be said for men. The more you bw mate and date out with quality, worthwhile men the less impressed, affected or angry you will be about ww with bm. You should in fact (NOT GIVE A DAMN!) at all regardless. But if you have a good man in your life, you will have no trouble projecting this indifferent air.

I have noticed that many ww complain about bw being mean and evil and having attitudes about seeing them with bm. And may I add that 2 of my 3 white Aunts are some of the meanest women you've ever met. Especially Aunt Tina. ( But I love them all dearly) Anyway, like I said many ww complain about bw having attitudes about seeing them with bm, but will do everything but a somersault to get a bw's attention when she is with a bm, and then get agitated if she is ignored! I am convinced many ww like this drama!!! It sounds crazy because they are supposed to be so docile and easygoing, but I think that's just another false myth. Many ww WANT to see bw get riled up and angry about them being with bm. It seems to feed their hungry egos. It's not working too well anymore, because more and more bw are starting to realize most bm are definitely not worth getting all upset over, and that non-blk mates seem to be making much better husbands/fathers these days anyway. Read the following letter and see if you believe this woman was really asking an innocuous question, or if, (like me) you believe she was just trying to provoke a response from bw in order to feed her overinflated ego.

The most significant part of this post however, is that almost all the bw on the board made it clear they did not care anymore!! Go y'all, in fact some were dating white and made it clear they were perfectly content. This is the power of living your life YOUR way.......Read the following.....

Question- to panel from agitated becky.

Why do black woman hate me because I am dating a successful black man.?
When ever my fiancée and I go out to the club the woman hate on me because I'm white and he's a successful black man he's an engineer. Is it just pure and simple jealousy2 weeks ago
It's not just me assuming they hate me they have made comments and given me dirty looks like I have done something wrong and taken another man from them or something. I dearly love this man why can't they just butt out.

Comment 1 (WM)it really isn't towards you, its towards him. it seems from what I have heard from my black female friends is that when a black man becomes successful, he ignores black women and purposely seeks out white women which tells them that they are not good enough. what they feel the "white man" has done to them (male and female) they are reiterating by dating white. like a trophy. my wife is black and we actually get dirty looks from white people, male and female but not black people. weird. we cannot help who we fall in love with. ignore them. act like they are not even there and enjoy your man.
Comment 2 (bw)most successful black men date and marry black women. only 9% of black men are with white women. it's a small percentage. but. "why do black woman hate me because I am dating a "successful" black man?" "he's also very "handsome." - maybe because you WANT black women to get riled up...it seems you are looking for some sort of validation. imo your question seems to want controversial answers...you know what I'm saying?...edit: handsome? successful? you know what I read your Q again with the additional details and i couldn't help myself. seriously. I find it pathetic. admit it you just want to get black women riled up. YOU KNOW black women are having trouble with successful black men. (not true for all of them but the majority) which is why this Q was asked in the first place. damn you are one nasty as hell cavebitch arent you?

Comment 3 (BW)Is this a serious question? I'm just gonna assume it is and answer by saying that Black women are often given the shitty end of the stick when it comes to dating. Many of us sistas feel like Black men are all we have left.That said, I could care less who you, or anyone else dates..Because I am a Black woman who chooses NOT to limit herself to Black men=)

Comment 4 (BW)Im black and a woman, Sorry im I sposed to care about someone i dont know and couldnt give a fig about...Errr guess tht slipped your mind, that many people couldnt give a toss wether u were dating a zebra or a iguana..or a black, pink, purple person....!

Comment 5 (BW)I'm black and I wouldn't care cuz I don't date black men anyway. too many bad experiences. But it's probably the same reason white women glare, stare, and scoff when they see me with my gorgeous white husband. ;-PYou shouldn't let it bother you.I don't.

Comment 6 (WW)it probably has nothing to do with blackness, and you are probably just being paranoid, i wouldn't worry

Comment 7 (WW)
I think you think to highly of yourself, dear.

This is such a welcome change from what you normally read. I see more and more bw waking up and its wonderful. The thing to keep in mind is that many times ww are just trying to get a reaction by doing things like flipping the hair, grabbing his arm, kissing all the sudden etc. It's almost comical to watch. I have no problem with it at all. But what I do have a problem with is when it's in reverse, bw are often harassed, intimidated, and even threatened to keep them from exercising their own options. BM can be with their coveted ww and still try to give the bw 'death glares'. WW can be quite nasty as well, when they want. Apparently it's news to them that wm ARE very much attracted to us! Even as the numbers grow, they will still claim it's just a few BW, and only the bw who resemble Halle are sought by WM. They could not be more wrong! Self delusion is soooo funny! Bottom line, we have no problem with you dating/mating or marrying Tyrone, Becky. We just hope you can handle us dating/mating /marrying Bob, Billy, Dennis, Trevor etc.....