welcome to Interracial love and spice2012

Welcome to Interracial love and spice 2012!
My email is: taylorsara1991@yahoo.com

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Saying good bye to a big beautiful angel.....

Not traditionally handsome, but def. a beautiful man, Michael Clark Dunkin accepts his awards happily. Known as the gentle giant. He was immensely talented, and a wonderful man..

I know I have not often expressed love for bm, but this is definitely an exception. This was my favorite actor of all time, even above Clint Eastwood, Viggo, and Denzel. I fell in love with this man 12 + yrs ago when I first saw him talking about how happy he was to have gotten the role on green mile. He talked about how he was crying with happiness, and when he called his family -they cried with happiness. I could feel myself falling for him before I even went to see the movie. Of course everyone knows he gave a blockbuster performance and was nominated for several awards. Two of which he won. He was a phenomenal actor, and an absolutely amazing man. My entire family has followed his career religiously, and we are completely heartbroken about his recent death. I don't think a finer man exists on this planet. He was loving, kind, compassionate, humble, generous, too talented for words and simply a beautiful human being inside and out. I also loved the way he looked with that megawatt smile and large, beautiful frame. Words cannot express how much I'm going to miss him, or how much I loved him, or how many tears I've shed since the news... My prayers are definitely with Omarosa (his fiance) and his family. I can't imagine the pain they must be in. I honestly think Michael was the finest actor of our generation, and a testament to what a beautiful man truly looks like outside and in......

He initially had a heart attack last July, but was sustained at the time by his gf. He languished in the hospital for nearly 2 months but the damage to his organs was too great, and he passed away on Labor day 9-3-12. He had planned to marry Omarosa the love of his life in early January. He was only 54 at the time of his passing, and speculation is that his large frame put undue strain on his heart. (Not sure if this is true or not)  His gf is heartbroken and is asking for privacy. They were extremely close, and he often introduced her as the "most beautiful woman in the world"....... 


Deena said...

Never have I heard you express such love and admiration for a black man before- I'm speechless!

But I admit I thought he was great too, he definitely had the ability to make you love him. There was just something about him-unfortunately whatever it was SHE does not have it...

Anonymous said...

Michael Clark was genuine.
He was not ashamed to show his gentle side. Michael was simply happy to be alive and doing a job he loved. I had forgotten he was dating Omarosa. I am happy they found each other. He seemed to be the balance she was seeking.

Peace be with his family.


Anonymous said...

Sara I must say that I'm a bit disturbed by your "open gushing" over this actor. Yes he was a good man and actor but you didn't gush like this over Tina or Whitney. And you certainly didn't admit to 'crying' all over your house over them. Yet here you are writing a whole post on a bm-when we should be focusing on bw, and admitting to crying over him! Sometimes bw do not realize they are hypnotized by bm even when they think they are not-I think you need to be de programmed. He was just a man!

taylor-sara said...

first of all I had to reread your comments to make sure I was not seeing things! I don't think I have to justify loving this man anymore than you have for someone you care deeply about! You know what Anon. My baby just passed away(dunkin) and I'm just too upset to care what you think. Have a nice day....

Anonymous said...

You are thinking with a negative view,this man to my knowledge is a lovely human being. I donot follow the actors world but I have not heard Mr Clark make any nasty statements about black women. Their is a certain bitterness with your comments. If you donot have anything worth sharing;remain silent."Idle hands is the devil playground". Peace

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sara.

I am down with black women and those who LOVE black women.

This is a black man who became famous and wealthy and he could pick and choose anyone and he chose a brown woman. He chose a brown woman and honored her.

Therefore, we should honor him.

Cinn said...

If you ask me, He was too good for her! She's an oportunist and golddigger who would have never looked his way years ago when he was broke and homeless! She's a complete fake who didn't deserve him! I pray for his family but not that little fake-preacher trollop. I wonder if his family has had the sense to evict her yet because everything she had she was getting through him! Like her home (HIS) publicity(because she was with him)money (from him) Prestige, glamour, show offers etc. To me, she was the damaged parasite we tell bw to avoid in men! In this case you have a big fine sexy rich man with a gold digging parasite tramp!
Well at least she won't be able to get his assets since he passed before marrying her-that's one good thing out of this horrible event....

taylor-sara said...

Cinn do you realize how jealous and petty that sounds? Why wouldn't she have wanted him-he was adorable. And like someone said, he totally honored her. I saw them at some premier awhile ago, and she touched his arm, and he lit up like a Xmas tree. He totally loved her, so she was definitely doing something right. Lets not hate on bw for living well, and being loved, and cherished. That's what ANY woman is supposed to do. So lets just send her prayers and condolences, she just lost a a precious diamond, can you imagine what she's going through right now....

Sonja said...

Anonymous said...
Sara I must say that I'm a bit disturbed by your "open gushing" over this actor. Yes he was a good man and actor but you didn't gush like this over Tina or Whitney.
Anonymous, I am disturbed about your comment. You sound bitter and full of hate. If anyone needs deprogramming its YOU not Sara.


"Evia has already done a wonderful piece on Whitney so I will just add a few comments... I cried when I found out about her death."
"So as I cry sad tears for Whitney I will still call the women I love stuck in these places and beg them to leave....Rest in peace Whitney- and may the lord wrap you in the love and tranquility denied you on this earth..."

And she has a picture of Tina on the old site.

Patricia Kayden said...

RIP Michael! Was quite shocked when I heard of his passing. It's nice that Omarosa was there for him in his last months of life.

Good post and it's good to see Sara blogging again!

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sharonkay said...

hi from Sharon:

I don't follow actors and actresses that much, but this man seemed like a very good and wonderful person. He had a very beautiful fiance. I am sorry that he passed away. I wish that more black men were like him.

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