welcome to Interracial love and spice2012

Welcome to Interracial love and spice 2012!
My email is: taylorsara1991@yahoo.com

Monday, November 5, 2012

What if she had been white!

check You Tube, type in bus driver gives upper cut to attacking female...

Not to beat a dead horse, but I had to address this news that has been making it's way around the "net". Halima did a great post on this, but I still wanted to add my two cents. I just wonder what would have been the ramifications, and reactions to this mans actions, had this woman been white.

By now, I'm sure you have all heard about the bus driver giving a vicious uppercut to the unruly woman on the bus. Apparently (according to her ) he thought she was riding without money to pay her fare, and took exception to this. They became embroiled in a verbal exchange that grew into a heated altercation with both sides being completely profane and inappropriate. After he insulted her looks, she is seen in the video to move toward him. It's unclear if she shoved him or slapped him but if it was a hit/slap etc. it was over in seconds and obviously did not hurt him. But was it did do was give him an excuse to let the animal out. What is extremely clear in this video is his innate, festering hatred for bw. He slams on the  bus breaks, barks out "uh oh!" and disembarks from his seat. Anyone who has spent any time in the bc, knows that 'uh oh'  literally means "Now I got to kick your *ss!" He said she was going to jail, and calling the police in my opinion would have been completely rational and prudent, as I found her behavior to be inappropriate, and possibly dangerous to her fellow passengers, but his behavior was downright savage. But as he approaches, and towers over her, it's quite apparent that he has no intention of calling the police. The ppl on the bus, (mostly blk) are laughing and enjoying the show. Even the man standing in front who appears to be a safety monitor of some sort, does not intervene, and laughs with everyone else, oblivious to the escalating situation.
As the driver approaches her, he's seems to project a hatred that seems to have a venomous mind of it's own, He gives her an uppercut fierce enough to break bones. He then picks her up, and bodily throws her off the bus, like a bag of trash.

The ppl who had previously been laughing at this exchange are suddenly alarmed, and one girl yells out, ".......That's a female!!" To which he responds that he does not care, and that if she wanted to act like a man, he would treat her like one. Of course many bm jumped in to cosign. Many even added that she had gotten off easy. And then went on to describe all the ways they would like to make her pay! Some even thought he would have been justified in killing her!!!  This is the type of mentality many young bw are up against these days! One bm blogger even went to far as to say bw acted like retarded children-and should be avoided by any man with sense. That the b@!*#  deserved it and more, and that he was going to take up a collection for the poor man who had been fired, and lost his retirement/pension. Now ask yourself WHO was asking to make donations to this man's retirement???
I'll tell you. Black Women! After a slew of insults he had to nerve to expect bw to donate money to a man who had boldly assaulted a  bw, and then proudly gave interviews about his vicious assault!
I've looked this topic up on YouTube, and it seems the consensus is that she deserved to be punched out like a man. His company apparently did not agree. He was initially suspended, but after the case was researched, he was fired and subsequently lost his retirement. I think it was well deserved. Although I was quite disturbed by her behavior, (the profanity, disrespecting her elders, etc) I don't think it ever justifies beating a woman down like an animal.

But my main question is; what if this woman had been white. I think if she had been first of all, all the ppl laughing on the bus, IMO. would have stopped it long before he ever had the 'thought' of hitting a ww! I think the monitor would have come to life and guided her to a seat. Then he would have slid back and whispered a warning to the driver about arguing with ww. I think when he called her ugly. the crowd would have been shocked, instead of amused (I'm convinced many bp think white skin possessed it's own form of beauty, and has only varying forms of attractiveness, but never ugly. I think if he had made a move to hit a ww several ppl would have dived in front of her, and many more would have tackled the driver to the ground. But as I stated I don't believe it would have been allowed to get this far because the minute he began to exchange insults with a ww, several bm would have jumped in on her behalf, and begun to argue with him. Someone would have paid the fare, if she did not have it, and he would have have been told to stop harassing her. And I don't think he would have merely lost his job. Had she been white, I honestly believe he would have gone to jail, AFTER the police showed him what they do to big blk men who pick on little ww. Once it hit YouTube, ppl would have been outraged! No one (or very few) would be screaming that she deserved it, he should have killed her, or anything like that. No one would call for him to get his job back, or call for donations for him (as several bm groups are currently doing for him now). He would have been ostracized, and even after serving his time, treated as a social pariah....What do you think?......


123isme said...

If she had been white (or otherwise, non-Black), I don't think it would have gotten as far as arguing, let alone physical assault. If she didn't have enough money, he probably would have tried to give her a break (e.g., making up the difference out of his own pocket or asking others to pitch in to help her). If she started making verbally abusive comments, he wouldn't have allowed himself to argue back and the thought of hitting her wouldn't have crossed his mind.

I've seen, heard, and been around ghetto and masculine acting females (Black and non-Black). From the video and descriptions of what happened, this woman was not acting like a man and thus, by Black logic, somehow deserving of being attacked. From this guy's actions, it's obvious that he has an issue with Black females and escalated this situation so he'd have an excuse to attack one of us.

What's even more disgusting than his behavior, is the acceptance, support, and encouragement he's gotten from other Black people. Disgusting in and of itself, and disgusting because I know had this been a White woman acting and looking the same damn way, Blacks would not have defended his actions, they would not be taking up collections for him, they would not be making internet memes that make light of the situation, etc, etc.

taylor-sara said...

You are so right. That is the most disgusting part of the situation to me and the saddest. They are taking up collections for him, and screaming she deserved it. I don't know where how this sickness set in, but no seems to hate bw as much as other blacks smh!....

lisa said...

Hi Sara

I first wondered what her problem was disrespecting her elders like that, but then he began to beat her like a man and I wondered what the hell HIS problem was.
And correction. He did not throw her off the bus. He tried to, but the doors were closed....

It was just horrible to see a bw savaged like that, no matter how much junk she was talking. I agree they never would have allowed that to happen to a ww...

Anonymous said...

If she'd been a white woman and acted like that, the bus driver never would have hit her. Never

JensenJay said...

If she was white this kind of shit would have never happend end of story. blackmen show them-selves to really be bw true Enemy!! I REALLY DON'T LIKE THE STUFF IM SEENING BM DO TO BW/BG'S!! we should really start calling these evil men out for their bullsh*t.but the real question is what if he was white! what would it be???

Evelyn said...

To JensenJay: I have no doubt that the average white man in the same situation would have been cross, but he would have firmly tried to order the woman off the bus a few times (given that she didn't want to pay the fare) and if she refused, he would have done something like stop the bus and wait for her to get off of her own accord or call for transit assistance. There's absolutely no scenario I can imagine where a white driver would have hit the woman even if she was black. At worst, call her something derogatory or tell her to go back to her country once she got off the bus, and promptly lost his job for mouthing off.
That said ... how is the real question "what would a white man have done"? I feel like that distracts from the real issue at hand, which is that black women are not respected and viewed as feminine creatures by black men mostly. Black men are the only race of men that I know of that generally see no problem with getting up in a woman's face, whereas other races of men in general are raised to view all women as the "weaker" sex even when they're furious with them. When other races of men perpetrate crimes against women and children, they're ostracized and dealt with very harshly by the community and law. When black men do the same, well ... people cheer.

Aura Borealis said...

so so soooooooo true every word of it.


Anonymous said...

Not really the guy named urcle from family matters beat up his white wife and threw her into the toilet. The black man athlete beat up his white wife. These men have an issue with themselves...

Anonymous said...


OooZzzzz said "Darien Long, property manager at downtown Atlanta's Metro Mall was wrong for tazing the mother and instead of being commended and getting donations, should have been fired for his actions because he kept the argument going with the mother and her friend when they were clearly off mall property; outside of the mall on the public city streets and he kept mentioning her children as he argued that caused her to confront him up close.

Darian Long did his job and got them all physically out of the mall and of mall property.

That should have ended it.

The mother and her kids were not inside the mall and all he had to do was stop the constant back and forth; keep his mouth shut and diffuse the situation instead of egging her on and especially telling her to "get your kids" and "take care of her kids" because if you pay close attention to the video, only time she approached him is when he made reference to her kids (twice) and when she approached him the second time, she did not physically touch him first but he assaulted her first by pushing her away and as she defended herself, he then tazed her.

Despite all the cursing, name calling and hollering in that video, the security guard was wrong in his actions for keeping the caustic situation on going."

I hope more black women simply stay away from black men and boys they are truly sick.

Truth p.