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Welcome to Interracial love and spice 2012!
My email is: taylorsara1991@yahoo.com

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Taking back our image, and putting bw FIRST!!

Whatever type of image we ALLOW is what we will see!!!

Ever notice how many industries are built on the backs of bw? Many shops run by non-blks in the inner cities would dry up and go away without the patronage and MONEY of blk women. Starting but not limited to the hair salons, hair stores, cosmetic stores, some restaurants, and even some general stores. The truth is blk women are prolific consumers, and many a business is built around her livelihood. Many rappers would be 'rapping' in their basements if blk women did not buy their drivel. Yet they have the nerve to call the call the very women keeping them fed horrible names, and slander bw before the world. Many movie producers would only be dreaming of making movies if blk women did not frequent their movies to give them support.  A few that come quick to mind are, John Singleton, Spike Lee, and Tyler Perry, but there are many more. Many big name athletes would be small time nobodies if bw had not helped them through college, during college, or to get into college in the first place! Usually this is done through church, family, or community donations. Yet most of the time the minute these men make it, they leave for greener pastures, and call the women who helped them -hood rats. Think about it for a moment. If bw had not declared to the world how sexy, fine, charismatic and wanted men like Denzel, Morris C. Boris, Taye digs,  Makakai (sp?) and a ton of others, these men would still be hungry actors looking for their big breaks. Some of the highest paid or most sought out bm actors in the world owe their predominant success to bw. Some of those names include Samuel, Lawrence Fishburn, Don Cheatle, Terrance Howard, Cuba, Wesley, Jamie foxx, Eddie Murphy, Forest Whittaker Will Smith etc. Trust and believe before it even came to the big screen, there were bw in their families helping them out with money, time, coaching, support etc. When they got small parts, bw came out in droves to give them support when the media didn't know or care to know who they were. This also goes for comedians, and many other high profile bm.  Many of the same bm now claiming bw don't know which fork to use -so they can't date her. Are the same men who used to sing a different tune when he had no fork of his own. My point is this, you have much more power than you realize, if someone is being disrespectful, or demeaning-simply cut ties. You don't need to curse someone out, simply refuse to buy their records, see their films/shows/concerts etc. Action ALWAYS speaks louder than words. An actor is only as good as his last film, and a singer/rapper is only as good as their last record. So when Taye digs takes digs at the bw, and makes snide remarks about us-simply refuse to watch his shows/movies. When damaged Wesley (who busted Halle's ear-and then had to nerve to say bw don't know how to conduct themselves) has a movie, simply boycott it. When damaged roach-looking little Wayne is claiming that B*tches are only pretty when their light skinned/white. Let the light skinned and white women keep his sorry, disturbed ass in business! Ladies there is a much more effective way to fight ppl you keep in business- and that is with YOUR POCKET BOOKS!  The truth is there are thousands of industries built on the backs of bw or who would succumb without her. We MUST make them toe the line and not be allowed to continue putting garbage up that smears, and denigrates us. Have you noticed that every new trash talk show grabs some foolish acting bw/ppl and makes an ass of her/them on national tv? Everyone is using us for ratings-at our expense. It used to be just Jerry Springer who never has a talk show. It was always a Trash show. Now you have Trish somebody, Jeremy Kyle, Rickey Lake is back and some other wg all using bw/bp to get rich while making us all look like jackasses in the process. And lets not forget how Maury turned his show into baby momma drama and got very rich off stupid women telling all of America they were not sure of the paternity of their child's father. But notice he NEVER uses ASIAN women! That's because his very Asian wife reportedly told him she had better not ever see Asian women being exploited on national tv-or made to look like tramps! Ladies IMAGE is EVERYTHING! Why? Because perceptions becomes reality. We cannot afford to let the world simply exploit us for their own selfish gain, at our expense. Anyone notice that since shallow hal there has not been another movie picking on fat white women?  That's because ww caused such a fuss, and made such a racket the studio promised to be more considerate (TO THEM) in the future. What did they do to fill the void of malicious humor left by angry ww. You guessed it. They simply filled it with fat, unattractive or uncouth bw. You can see this play out time and again. Commercials with neck twisting frumpy-looking bw saying things like
" uhhhh huhhh , ummm giiiirrrrrllll- you right that cleaner ain't got nuthin on my PineSol"
 Or Mammy type films in which a big ugly bw is the happy handmaiden to a pretty wg and is saying
"Ms Scarlet pleaz eet fo meh now use gon be ungry iffnt ya don't"
Sometimes I'm so embarrassed I want to scream. Movies made by bm seem to be the worst.
Wanda-Shanaynay,  Norbit, Big Mamma's House etc. Then there is the music, (and I use this term loosely) that taunts us and constantly calls us names;  dark butts, fat ass, bitches, hoes, hood rats, ugly ass women, Nappy headed hoes, etc. I don't even want to recall anymore it's too upsetting.  My point is there are a whole lot of ppl invested in /hurting/using or simply exploiting bw for various reasons for their own gain. It's time we stopped allowing it. It's time we take our power back. Vote with your feet. Refuse to go to movies that deem to exploit, demean or sully us.  Refuse to listen to C-rap music. Boycott products that use neck twisting, ghetto-acting bw. Nothing changes until WE change. Until we fight -until we wake up.  We owe it ourselves and the future generation of little bgs coming behind us to change this mess. To make it a better, brighter, safer, and more loving world for them.  And we already know Hollywood follows the MONEY trail. You can trace almost any and all behavior back to the money. This is why we are seeing more and more movies, commercials, etc with bw/non blk men because Hollywood knew probably before many bp that bw were ready to venture out and mate/marry other men. They also know that these couples have higher incomes than average, are more highly educated, and usually stay together stubbornly. Never give your power away. You CAN change things. with your vote, with your protests, with your money, and with your stubborn refusal to go along with whatever script someone has written for you. This was concisely told to me by  my sister blogger on a prior post
Blogger Halima said...
The only time I can remember that I can actually applauding black women for doing something smart for a change was when back in the 90s they took down Wesley Snipes a peg or two when he appeared on the cover of an Ebony that had an interview of him in it where the fool was saying, in a magazine read by black women, that black women act like a difficult bunch of women 'to come home to'. BW finally publicly and vocally let it be known that they didn't have to stand back, listen to or support his mess. I think that that little lesson was why Eriq La Salle on ER decided to publicly tell people that he world only partnered with black SO's on the show. If anything he could get that bit of a boost from BW!

Ak you have made such an important point, when bw refuse to honor themselves no one honors them. You honor yourself by dealing heavy blows on whoever (and I mean whoever) will ‘mess’ with you. Its so simple no one needs to be taught this basic dynamic of human interaction that is except bw.

Essentially bw have rewarded bm for po** on them and then they turn round and wonder why their honor is besmirched left right and center. SMH have you ever seen a clearly confused bunch of women who cant make the clear connection between their situation at the hands of bm now and their unconditional approval and support of them.

Everyone 'tests' boundries and need 'reminders' to not get ideas. what happened is that bm tested the boundaries and found no one awake and ready to take them down for their mess on bw. Any wonder the proliferation of bw image-defilers among bm.

When this, ‘always try to support a brother’ or ‘don’t be too hard on a brother’ mantra took over it spelled death for bw’s image. Our young girls need to be taught a new mantra, that ‘you must never love bm more than you love yourself’ or ‘love your community more than you love and care for yourself’.

BW sent a clear message to the likes of Wesley snipes then, I wonder what happened and why they decided to be less vigilante and soft on brothers after, and the rewards are with us. Unconditional love and support and giving black men blank cheques over our image and how to present it has lead to this disgraceful situation.

You have to be willing to slay anyone to protect your image because even allowinging the smallest hole in the dam and the next thing, the whole structure comes down (ask the Netherlanders)

And you are right ak, it is the infrastructure of the love and support and protection and efforts of bw that are holding up these black male entertainers and their mess. If only bw organized and pulled the plug…..


Shaylah said...

Let's not forget that most of the Black Women pay for these Bm dates and outings with non-black women. They will claim we do not know how use a fork , but we know how to go to the ATM, cook and anything that is time draining. Then you have the church who will never want you to leave the herd because he won't be able to pay for his brand new car while you are on dangerous public transportation. Black women are waking up and so are the advertisers because BW/non-black men tend to have families. Also we tend to frequent nice spots and tend to spend more money. So Hollywood is following the true money shots.(LOL)!

Mrs. Glam said...

I know why BW have gone "soft" on BM, after Wesley Snipes threw them under the bus: BM celebrities of a certain age learned not to offend BW so blatantly. They opted to marry/bed/support non-BW then state that they "couldn't help" who they fell in love with, which is an okey-doke: they chose their partners because that's who they wanted to have in their lives, of course. The BM celebs are far more blatant are the c-rappers of today, who play these games because their largest fan base don't understand the value of withdrawing their financial support. Many young BGs have been conditioned to think that elevating light/white skin is the norm, and they believe that the c-rappers that praise ambiguous/biracial/white beauty over all others are justified in their "preference." These girls have been seeing it and hearing it all of their lives, which is why they don't realize that they've been fed lies and need to stop monetarily supporting these fools immediately!

I have withdrawn my support from several nonreciprocating entities, and I am living better because of it! I make my decisions quietly, then feign lack of funds or lack of time when others try to get me to support the very people that hate me. It's easier to play broke than to explain to people something as common sense as reciprocity and cutting off people that exploit you. Sometimes family/friends have even tried to pay my way into movies, shows, etc., so that they can have my company while being entertained by DBRBM! I don't think so: I've cut these DBRs off, and I cannot be bribed to subject myself to their type of entertainment.