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Welcome to Interracial love and spice 2012!
My email is: taylorsara1991@yahoo.com

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

how to attract money! (part 1)

The problem with money is that people think of money as something to go out and catch, and then use it to get what they want. They think in terms of "I gotta buy this or I gotta buy that, so I need to make more money!"
They don't see money as an entity that has a life-force of it's own. Now mind you I said life force not life. The difference is that pretty much everything has a life-force because we and everything around us is made up of the same material-that being energy. Scientists have already established that all material in life boils down to energy-including human beings. Only the vibrational rate is different. In other words, a plant is alive just as you are, yet it does not have the same level of consciousness because it's vibrational rate is different.  If you put a plant under a microscope, and a piece of human flesh under a microscope, they will both boil all the way down to the same material, but one (human) will be vibrating at a much higher velocity. What does this have to do with making money? Simply that people who make really large amounts of money have been shown time and again to have a money consciousness. A higher vibrational pull that seems to attract money. Now you may think I've fallen off the deep end, but realize that only people who never read anything but smut. already know this. It's been written about, talked about, and substantiated for years.

Some of the ways you can attune your mind to have a money consciousness are:
  • Write down how much you want to have, and when
  • Write down what you are willing to give in exchange for this largess (the universe is a give and take type organism
  • Write down 5-10 things you really love to do
  • Write down 10 ways you could possibly make money doing them
  • Take 15 minutes 2x a day and really feel the money, imagine it so strongly you can feel the emotions of actually holding it.
  • Carry that feeling with you, and imagine that you are quite wealthy. Now carry yourself as you imagine wealthy people do. It has been proven time and again that the feeling of wealth creates wealth, just like  the feeling of poverty creates poverty.... And this is why many millionaires will say things like;
"Oh I was rich when I didn't have 2 nickels to rub together,  the money just wasn't in the bank yet"

 Not going to go much deeper into that. You are welcome to look up and study that at your will. But I really want to talk about money because it's a subject so many of us have trouble with when it's does not need to be that way at all. You are attracting or repelling money with your thoughts and subsequent actions. If what you are doing is not working then for heaven's sake -stop and re-evaluate what you should do to get what you want, (ie money)
People put a lot of fear around money, and fear is a REPELLENT. Or to put it another way, it's an opposite attractant. This is why people who fear losing their relationships often do, or a dog you fear is much more likely to bite you. You can take this one step further and look around for examples people often get exactly what they fear most. In the case with money, people often fear not having enough, and so they often don't.
The way to think of money is not as something to go out and work for, and work for, and work for. The way to think of money is I'll work hard for you, and then you're going to work hard for ME!  The relationship should be one of mutual respect-for money never stays where it's not respected. Think of it as you want to treat money well, you want to respect it, and get it to stay. You want it to meet other money and have lots of babies. I know that's a very simplistic analogy but putting it like that will make it much clearer for some people. To put it ever simpler, don't squander it, respect it, and do what the rich do.

So I know your next question:  What do the RICH DO?

It's simple. They buy things that will APPRECIATE!  They buy assets. And speaking of assets I know a lot of people think their house is an asset because the bank listed it as one, or calls it one. The reason the bank calls your house an asset is because it is- for them! It appreciates in value, and pays a dividend. That's the definition of an asset! But it's a liability for you- make no mistake about it. Yes it's a necessary liability, but a liability nevertheless. And this is why you should NOT be trying to have the biggest house in the neighborhood. Look at what happened to Hammer... If you've ever seen cribs, you seen many of the same blk celebs who boast the biggest, and  most beautiful houses are  the same ones declaring bankruptcy right and left. This is because their empires were built on shaky foundations to start

a. The premise that they would continue to have profitable work; what if their career dries up?
What if there is a scandal that results in loss of interest- (ie fame/money)?
What if they are injured and can no longer play the sport that enabled them to make millions?
What if one too many baby-mommas take them to court, and the subsequent atty fees annihilate their finances? Make no mistake about it, Attorney fees have been known to bring strong men to their knees....

Ladies you've got to get ASSETS!  Because when times are hard, your assets will feed you while your liabilities will try to eat you alive.  Think of assets as Income producing vehicles -which appreciate in value. This is why your house although it appreciates is NOT an asset (to you). It is not income producing for you, but is for the bank. This is why it IS an asset for the bank. Some of the best assets for regular Americans are as follows;

stocks -simply follow the trends and you'll do very well
Real Estate -best asset of all for most people
venture capitalist- Have to really study and know what you're doing in this area
Investing in things you and your friends use everyday= this is an easy simple way to invest wisely...

Some other money tips
Money attracts money-so save 20% not just as a hedge against inflation as many people do, but as an attractant for more money. This also is extremely stress relieving. The more money you have in the bank-the better you'll find yourself sleeping....

Start a small home business, save tremendously on your taxes. You can write off many things with a home business, and even pay your children up to 400.00 per month to help you, instead of allowance. You can write off trips as business expenses (provided you do some business while there) and lots of other stuff can be written off, gas, food, etc (Use a good CPA,) and find out how much you can save..

Intangible Assets...
To build a good wealth foundation, it's so important to take a analysis of your assets. And this includes the tangible and intangible ones. Because at some point in life you will have to draw on every strength within you to deal whatever life throws at you. If you have no idea what your strengths and weaknesses are, you will be in a world of hurt. This is why people are losing their jobs and jumping off buildings. They have never taken inventory of their assets. They don't know that the job being taken from them was just the universe's way of jolting them out of their stupor, and forcing them to use intangible assets and grow. You are always meant to grow. As you age you are supposed to grow in wisdom, peace, temperament, and wealth. If you don't recognize your assets both tangible and intangible for what they are, people WILL try to take them, make no mistake about it. You see this at play when people with great talent, sell themselves very short. In my sister's neighborhood, all her neighbors use a specific plumber who is really quite talented at his trade. The problem is he sells his 'work' so cheaply, he can barely afford to feed his family. He only charges about 15% over the cost of the materials to work like a dog for hours! I watched my own sister give him one forth of what he should have gotten one day at her house. When I asked her why she did not pay him more, She looked up and me, and snapped. "Well, I gave him what he asked for-why would I give him more?"
And that's exactly the summation of it. Nobody, even nice people will not respect your talents (intangible asset) if you don't. They'll take them at prices so low your family will be on starvation rations. That's why it's so important to respect your IAs. Speaking of that, did you know that Microsoft is NOT Bill Gate's invention? The rumor is that he actually bought it from another genius for only 50.000 and stiffed them on all royalties! Like I said, even nice, or seemingly nice people will use your talents/assets and leave you broke. Don't sell yourself short because if you don't have your own back, I can promise you no one else will either.

So we will go into more depth at a later date....
Thank you for tuning in-see you soon..


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this very much. I read a lot of financial, libertarian blogs and there is a lot of negativity surrounding bonds, stocks and real estate (many are rushing to buying metals). However, underneath it all the traditional ways of maintaining wealth is still at play. The financially successful continue to invest in stocks, bonds etc.

Re your point about nice people. Only this week I mistakenly gave 50% more money than the charge because I was dealing with a 'nice' plumber. I allowed my nice, warm feelings to get in the way of paying attention. He didn't point out my error. Lesson learned.

So glad you're still posting.