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Welcome to Interracial love and spice 2012!
My email is: taylorsara1991@yahoo.com

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Sotomayer, and the Rise of the deadly, damaged, and lethal!

Black men who hate bw are not only soul destroying but deadly, and must be avoided at all costs.

Below the damaged beyond belief TS....

Just as Evia predicted a few years back the war against bw has taken on a viciousness that takes one's breath away. The open hatred many so called 'brothers' are displaying is truly heart-stopping!
 Ladies for God's sake RUN! They are too crazy to reason with, so damaged, deadly, and dedicated to their hate filled quests, They are on a mission to make bw everywhere pay for her supposed crimes. Much the way the old time KKK used to find a hapless victim and make an example of the poor soul. These animals are out for blood and I'm sure the KKK is somewhere laughing as this new breed of bw hating fools do their dirty work.

For those of you who don't know there is a new sick twisted animal Called Tommy Sotomayer. He's on you tube calling for bw to be maimed, beaten, and murdered! He is so sick with hatred and misogyny, you can almost feel demons jumping out of him.
Here are a few of his (and his sick followers) latest demented rants

These Hoodrats & Whores (so-called strong black women) will f*ck anybody that tells them what they wants to hear and get pregnant within 3 months of meeting this pavement ape. Then magically, the father of the child just splits... Just like that right? Then the child is raised by a worthless female deadbeat that tells them that their father is a worthless deadbeat. Totally the man's fault right? Don't blame the b#tch at all for opening her fu*#ing legs to an irresponsible d@ck she hardly knows.
(curse words removed)

I remember watching roots when Kunta Kinte ran away to meet Fanta to run away with her from the slave masters. It hurt my heart to hear Fanta say: "know I'm not going. I rather be safe, I rather be warm than cold, i rather be fed than hungry". And it's not what fanta said. But what she said is the exact life style of the black women today. They will NOT rebel with black men. They rather to conform to a system that cure nothing about them. That's why the majority of black men are in prison today.
i am with tommy all that you was saying is bullshit women do put men down calling us down low we also make up the population in all the prisons and it is due to women not playing there roles i want a thug as bitches and you so called women cant keep your own kind in check but yet and still you always check us men have more rules then u so called black women give your kids i know i am guilty cause i been trying to destroy black women since i was 14 its not us who will fade its your beastly ways

hating ass hoe's always trying to keep us black males down so go suck a dick hoe
These hateful black men has dropped the ball...I just seen a video on the upcoming rapper Lil snupe Tommy did and this bastard somehow blamed a Black Woman for this boys murder by another Black man! (not surprising bw are responsible for EVERY neg. consequence in a bm's life-even when she's not there!)
    I honestly think the best ways to deal with sadistic, coonified lunatic  such as this Tommy and his salivating slaves, is to get as far away as possible. I don't think bw realize how much danger they are in as long as they chose to live, work, associate, and even breed with or near these brain dead misogynistic zealots. Realize ladies, that thoughts breed words, and words breed ACTION. You must take this serious. This man is encouraging his minions to hate, harm, and kill bw, and I can promise you sooner or later they WILL! Be proactive get away from these damaged animals while you can. Complain to YouTube about him, sign the petition by the arch duchess to have him removed, but do so from a safe distance. Yes, he's a slobbering disgusting piece of garbage, but so was Hitler and look what happened! Notice also that damaged men repeatedly talk about ridiculous nonsense such as fake hair, while they are out KILLING other black men, they are talking about bw's  HAIR!!! As is hair is doing drive bys, Hair is filling the prisons, Hair is making and leaving babies all over the US! It's just too silly to address. Ladies if you have not done so make plans to get the hell out of the hood. It's Rwanda  all over again, especially with the new Neo-misogynistic blood thirsty animals who are making US their prey......


TC said...

So glad you're back, girl we need you! I agree Sara that we definitely need to contact YT and have this crazy deranged loser removed. YT claims they don't advocate or tolerate hate-then why in the world would you allow this uncle Tom to scream all these lies about black women? The things he says defy belief. Yes they are getting crazier as we speak. We bw have to come together and shut these fools down. I just know we have to do something before it's too late...

Evelyn said...

This thing about this crazed character is that he's had about 10 channels to spew his hate so far. He creates one, someone flags a video and Youtube tears it down, but not before Tommy tells his viewers to find him at his next channel. He's absolutely insane and dangerous! And it goes to show the stalker obsession levels these DBRBM will take it to just to hurt black women.