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Welcome to Interracial love and spice 2012!
My email is: taylorsara1991@yahoo.com

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Learning to acknowledge and use your power of abundance...

Part 2.

What people who think the universe is conspiring against them, do not understand is that the universe WANTS you to prosper. (I come that they might have life and have it more abundantly...) Prosperous people are simply happier people. And before you tell me that money does not buy happiness. I agree, but sweety try being happy without it! How happy do you think mother's who have to watch their children go to bed hungry are? How many happy people do you think you'd encounter at the homeless shelter, I guarantee you they are few and far in between. How happy are you when you're broke? Lately we've heard of people losing their jobs and jumping off buildings. It's horrible to hear yet I can imagine how desperate and despondent they must' of felt....
 You owe it to your ancestors, your children, born and unborn, and most of all to yourself to be the most successful person you can be. Now it's a given that we cannot all be Oprah. There are very few like her. But we can certainly be successful at something. We can become financially secure, and live happy prosperous lives. The reason I advocate for women to open up to wealth and success so much, is because I know that ' if the money ain't right ain't nothing right' in ours lives. This is also the reason I strongly urge women to have a small business. Even if you keep your job have a business on the side. Have investments, have savings. HAVE A PLAN B and C...

 The first step with wealth is simply to recognize that it is your God given right and that you do NOT have to struggle. People never HAVE to struggle. They just do not realize it. Let me tell you some of the ways people inadvertently invite struggle into their lives. 

  • When they get angry at rich people for being rich
  • When they claim poverty ("I'll never have money.... money does not grow on trees.. why am I so poor!"
  • When they steal from other people. (This is poverty consciousness at it's peak)
  • When they try to destroy the things they think they'll never get, ie, cars, homes, belongings etc.
  • When they tear down those who have little to nothing. (hurting the homeless, laughing and picking on innocent children from poor or broken homes etc....
  • When they try to stop others from achieving their greatness because they were not blessed with those particular gifts. exp. Christine Agulera being beaten several times by girls in her school because she was a fabulous singer...
  • Using illegal or unethical ways to obtain money, without regard to who gets hurt in the long run. (drug dealing to our children, prostituting vulnerable girls, stealing from the elderly etc. This type of behavior will not only invite poverty but also incite the wrath of karmic vengeance.
Karma is really true-I've seen it so many times in my life...

Know that the universe is watching and Karma IS in effect. No matter whether you believe in God or not. I'm sure you've noticed that when you do someone wrong, it's not long before an almost identical situation befalls you. How you use this to your advantage is to do right by people, and GIVE! Now I'm just not one to advocate to give endlessly to the church. I just don't buy it, and neither does hubby. We believe in giving 10% (We actually give more) but we give it to whatever cause we want. We tithe faithfully but not always to the church. But definitely give. It will open the storehouse of abundance for you....

Trust in the abundance of the universe.

Have you ever seen a single blade of grass growing all alone?  Have you ever seen a single cloud in the sky or a single mountain? You haven't have you? And you never will. Nature does NOT believe in scarcity and neither should you!  You can see evidence of this all around you. Everything nature does, she does it big and over the top. That's because her resources are infinite. Yours are as well! Right now you have talents in you that you may never know unless you decide to explore them.  Unless, they are brought out by tragedy, or unless they escape, and come out in a myriad of ways. I'm not kidding, trust me, whatever your talent is- you can rest assured-IT'S TRYING TO GET OUT! Why? Because everything God has given us is meant to be used. Did you know that a house that is vacant deteriorates 3x faster than a house that is being used? You are like that too. All your talents and abilities MUST be used or they will begin to atrophy.

Let the talent out!
But back to the subject of  unused talent. Think of a young poor farm girl by the name of Mary Anna Robertson, she was born in 1860 and had always wanted to paint. Her family discouraged this as they saw it as a wasteful endeavor, and obviously, needed her help on the farm. And so she was forbidden to indulge in this 'senseless;' pastime. She later married a farmer, and raised several children, yet never lost her yearning to paint. She would do so whenever she had a spare moment. Although half of her children perished, and she has eons of backbreaking farm work to do, she still managed to paint whenever she could. Her goal was not to seek attention, but rather to just do what she loved to do.  And she did this for years quietly. Simply doing what she loved. One day a man saw one of her paintings in a display window of a friend's store, and Grandma Moses was born. Her career really began that day in her 70s! and lasted after her death at the age of 101! Her paintings now go for over a million dollars! All that time while she was forbidden to paint, her talent was struggling to come out...
I don't believe we can ever really be free until we do whatever it is we were put on this earth to do.  How do we know? Because life is always dropping clues.  What are you doing or dreaming of doing when no one is around? What thought is in the back of your head day and night that causes you to think someday, I'll do ......
What do you love so much, that you'd do it for free? Have you ever heard the late Gerard Lavert sing?  Could you 'feel' his love for the music flowing though the lyrics? Have you ever heard Les Brown give a motivational speech? The love he has for his craft is almost palpable! They were MEANT to do those things. There is something that YOU are meant to do, and if you don't do it, then you will never know true fulfillment in life. And truly, there is nothing worse in life, then dying with the music inside. Whatever it is that you push down inside of yourself daily-let it fly. Let it soar, and see how much happiness, success and fulfillment it brings you....

Have faith, and know that you were meant to do GREAT things!

Know that if you are here, then you are special and are meant to do great things. Thousands of sperm cells did not make it during conception, but you did! That should tell you that you're something special. Have faith and really picture where you want your life to go. Wherever it is the simplest way to get there is to make every move in that direction. You know this already. You probably just needed a little reminder. But if you want to be the next Wolfgang Puck, you should be in culinary school. You should be studying every chance you get. You should be studying his life, and finding out what steps he took.
 You should also be VISUALIZING THAT LIFE! Think visualizing does not work? Imagine what happens when a friend fake-attacks you. Your heart speeds up, and slams against your chest. Your breathing gets shallow, and you involuntarily jump. But why? You were not really being attacked. It's because your subconscious cannot tell the difference between a real and imagined experience!  Did you really understand what I just said? Your inner mind cannot tell between a real and imagined experience! This is what makes visualization so potent!!! This means we can trick our minds into thinking things are whatever way we want in our lives, and if we hold the picture long enough, and strong enough (strong emotion, really feel it happening) it will certainly come to fruition! This is why star athletes spend hours per day doing exactly that. Because they already know-it works! A picture held (sustained) in the mind, with tremendous desire, and emotion has almost no choice but to come to fruition...
Let me give you an example of this. Our baby who is 4 now loves and adores the Power rangers. He spends countless hours talking about, and imitating everything the power rangers do. Well  for weeks now he has been asking for a power ranger outfit. But since its not Halloween, we told him it could wait until then. He however, was determined to have that outfit as soon as possible, and has been talking about it non stop. Well a few days ago I tucked him in bed after he'd said his prayers, and I noticed he still had his hands together and had re closed his eyes. I knew he was adding another prayer.
 "Dev, honey" I murmured. "What else are you praying for?"
"Nothing mommy" he quickly told me, but I heard a crinkle under his pillow. Sliding my hand along underneath, I pulled out a picture of a power ranger in a crisp red uniform. He quickly snatched it away from me and hid it back in it's place. I kissed him, and left the room, knowing exactly what he had been praying for. The same thing he'd been asking for, for weeks.  The very next day my sister dropped by and told me she was at the mall and had wandered into a store she'd never gone in before looking for a bathroom. She said a man had been unboxing Halloween costumes to carry to the back when she spotted a particular one. She said it was the weirdest thing but as soon as she saw it, she thought of her nephew, and 'knew' she had to have it.  Before she even pulled it from the bag, I knew it would be the red power ranger costume that my son had been praying for, asking for, and imagining for weeks.........
Never doubt your ability to draw into your life what you want. Simply FOCUS on it. Dream about it. Talk about and visualize it (with emotion) and then work toward it. - you WILL get it...

Have faith, for there is a power in you greater than anything you're ever known- If only you would choose to use it- unknown

Belief-nothing works as well as belief...

Mark 11:23 - For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

This is a lesson we can learn from children. When they want something, they are tenacious. They plead, cajole, cry, beg, and if all else fails, they will even work to get what they want! I remember back in the day when I was a girl scout. We sold cookies door to door. My goal at that time was to buy my beloved grandmother coffee pot (as hers had recently stopped working). They were having a big contest at that time and whomever one was going to get 100.00! At that time to a child, that was a fortune. I set out to win. I took 2 of my older cousins and worked all over town. My family had been prominent in this town for a long time, and my grand parents name carried a lot of weight. It seemed I only had to mention their names and people readily opened their wallets. I was making so many sales I barely noticed someone across the street...
 It was a poor girl I knew from school named Donna. She was working alone, as she had little family, and less resources. She was always tired, dirty, and hungry-looking. At school she was often laughed at and maltreated due to her shabby clothes. I mentally brushed her aside when I saw her pitiful form at people's doors. After all, she was ragged, dirty, and poor looking. Who would buy cookies from her? I thought contemptuously. I remember it being semi cold around that time and she was wearing a threadbare coat, and shivering but she did not stop. We could only sell till 8 Friday night, and then the contest was over. At the meeting that next week, I as sure I'd won. I had so many sales I had to get a 2nd sheet, and my very well known, and well loved grandmother had gone to the meeting with me. When they announced the top 3, it was me, Donna and another girl. The other girl took 3rd and then they announced that the top 2 had collectively sold over 5000 worth of cookies! Everyone gasped. I smiled smugly at Donna, sure I'd won. But a moment later, I was shocked to hear my name called as runner up, and Donna was the winner! She broke down and cried as she accepted her check. I couldn't believe it, I just stood stunned. She explained that although it was cold, and sometimes rainy, she was determined to get that money for food. She said whenever she was too tired to go on, she would pray for more strength and somehow kept finding one more sale, and then another...
You see although I had tons of resources, family, clout, warm cars, and warm coat. She had something far more potent. She had a fervent desire to feed her family. She had  a powerful  WHY! That check meant only another doll to me, but to her it was a lifeline. It meant food and possibly a warm coat. Nothing takes the place of a belief coupled with a powerful why. It will keep you going when nights are long and cold. It will make you get back up when you fall... If you find that you cannot motivate yourself to do whatever it is that you need to do to improve your life -try getting a better and bigger why...

Have faith, know that you can have whatever you want to have. Simply pay the price and take it away...                   -unknown           


stacy said...

Sara so glad you're back! I love this post. It is so fresh, honest and clear! Thank you for laying it out so anyone can understand. Now I see why I start to get ahead and then something happens. I've been sabtg. myself with my constant whining about not having enough. Thank you for the insights and advice it was so needed at this time...

Evelyn said...

I think this is my favorite post on the blog. Your 4-year-old son made me smile at how adorable he sounds, and Donna's story almost made me cry. I've been in a mental state of "lack" for quite a while and I think it's been affecting my finances, but I'm determined to turn things around this month, and this post couldn't have come for me at a better time! Maybe I attracted these uplifting words into my life - who knows? But thank you Sara!