welcome to Interracial love and spice2012

Welcome to Interracial love and spice 2012!
My email is: taylorsara1991@yahoo.com

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Who are they trying to fool-Bw or Wm?

I was perusing an interracial site the other day when the author (an otherwise very intelligent bw) said something that stopped me in my tracks. She was talking about why more bw are now dating and marrying wm. She herself married a wm two years ago, and bragged about how wonderful her husband was to her. But the part that shocked and dismayed me was when this college educated, scholastically accredited woman stated very matter of factly; " she had really wanted a bm but none were interested due to her dark skin, so she had 'settled' for her husband, but was now glad things had worked out as they had!" As if this remark was not ignorant enough, she also added that "it was INHERENT IN A BW'S MAKEUP TO WANT A BM! I was so livid I had to go calm down. DH thought it was hilarious because he knows I wanted a bm like I wanted a hole in my head, and he knows many bw 'secretly' feel the same way, but I thought this was no laughing matter.

This woman, and many like her are CLOSING THE DOORS ON THE HAPPINESS OF OTHER BW WITH ASININE REMARKS SUCH AS THIS. I had to put that in caps because I think it's such an important statement. Lets be clear about something. I truly, truly believe that some bw even those who claim to have the best interests of other bw at heart, are behaving in ways that are designed to keep many bw lonely, unloved, and chasing an undeserving bm. Why they do this is a question for another forum, but many definitely do this. Now, I'm sure you ladies know that this is 100% hogwash, but unfortunately many wm/non bm don't know this! And that is what makes statements like these so pernicious. Think about this, if you were a nice wg interested in bw, what kind of impression would such a stmt make on you? Would you be more inclined or less after reading this drivel, to approach a an appealing bw?

I wa actually talking to a wm business associate of mine the other day. He told me that what's going on now is they are using propaganda on wm. He said the effect on bw seems to be fading as more and more bw (esp in the last few years) have become more honest about their attraction to wm-and correspondingly the numbers of bw/wm marriages have exploded, making them the fastest growing IR segment. As a result, (This is his theory) Many bw who want their IR marriage to remain special,( ie exclusive) are trying to cut off the road to wm for other bw. And of course we all know why bm don't want bw to get away. They would actually have to take care of themselves, and their ready-made harems would dissipate. I'm not really sure why this woman and others like her would say such things. Perhaps she really is this blissfully unaware of the problems she is causing for other women who are very much attracted to wm, and perhaps have NEVER been attracted to bm. We really do exist on all realms. Or perhaps she has heard this lie repeated so many times, that like many lies, she is now unable to distinguish it from the truth.

How do I know it's a lie. I will give a very simple scenario to demonstrate this fact.
 Now imagine if there were some attractant in melanin rich females that had the propensity to only find melanin enhanced males of similar ethnic backgrounds attractive, acceptable and appealing then it would have to ALSO WORK IN REVERSE ON THE MALES!!!  And we all know that is NOT the case. If anything, many bm have demonstrated time and again and are now even so damaged as to scream to the whole world how UNATTRACTIVE they find melanin rich females. And the more melanin she has in her skin (ie the darker) the less appealing many of them find her. This is how I know there is NOTHING black attracting about melanin! Therefore these women who claim it's innately in bw to only want a bm are responding to  social conditioning -and not any viable, or tangible attractant. In other words, attraction IS biological, color selectant attraction is NOT. If a bw is only attracted to bm, it is because she has decided through internal or external stimuli-conditioning that this is the type of man she is attracted to. But it has NOTHING to do with her biological makeup. It is merely and ingrained belief that has become a conviction. This is why she will act on it even to her own detriment. Don't you think that many of the bw you see now happily marrying out, once thought they could only be happy with bm?  I can assure you that many did because this is something that has been taught to bw since babyhood. But the corresponding message is NEVER taught to blk baby boys.They are taught that they are special. Females and the world owe them something, and they are entitled to sit back and collect it. They owe no particular allegiance to ANY woman, and are therefore free to pursue anyone they choose. The first part of this msg has been particularly devastating to many bm as they sit back and wait to be taken care of, they are falling further and further behind other men who are making things happen, while they languish in babyhood well into their 30s 40s and even 50s waiting for their 40 acres and a mule!

The second part of this msg to them I wholeheartedly agree with. They are free to be with, love and marry whomever they want, and they should. But it should cut both ways. bw should be raised with this msg as well. The bc needs to stop prevaricating to bw and telling her that she is NOT attracted to non-bm. And bw need to stop allowing ppl to get into their heads and lead them. And my wm associate was right about them going after wm now with this msg because more and more bw have stopped listening. They are panicking as more and more bw escape, so they are going for tactic number 2. Stop the relationship BEFORE it has a chance to flourish by telling wm that bw don't want them. This is why you have CR screaming this nonsense even in the face of rising bw/wm marriages. They are hoping to quell the tide before it gets going by stomping it out. I know why they are doing this, the only part that mystifies me is why bw, esp those who purport to be in happy IR marriages would participate in this modern day delusion. If you got out of a hellhole safely and found happiness, then why in God's name would you want someone else to stay in it! And lets not sugarcoat it. For many bw, relationships with bm are nothing but hellholes! Unless you call being a baby-mama (almst never a wife) -semen dump-all-bill paying-drudge, happiness. I just don't get it. Most bm are offering bw little to nothing in the way of a better life, and anyone who overtly or covertly encourages bw to stay in that mess should examine the face in the mirror and ask herself why..... 


tracey said...

Hi sara.
I have to agree with this great post. I think the wg is right. I think some bw have found out how good IR marriages can be and don't want other bw to know. This is sad and selfish but I think it's going on. Kind of like the rich who WANT others to stay poor and lacking. It's so ignorant but some ppl are like that. I know when I was in my nothin but a bm days. I was living with a sorry man who didn't work and smoked pot all day. He refused to look after our child while I worked, and then grew resentful with each raise and promotion I recieived! Anyway, I had a neighbor who had a great wh-hubby and seemed really happy. So I asked her about her IR marriage one day and she looked at me like I wasn't good enough to get a wm and did everything but smack me to encourage me to stay with my no good bf! I was shocked. I guess I expected her to at least tell me to explore and not settle. After all she has seen me crying many a day....

samadhi101 said...

I don't get why people keep trying to use "science" to keep BW focused on BM. People have also tried to use "science" to explain why a lot of BM are obsessed with light skin (folks have actually tried to tell me a lot BM are genetically wired to prefer light skin lol! ) I notice people never announce "it was INHERENT IN A BM'S MAKEUP TO WANT A BW!" A lot of Black folks can't even bring themselves to spread that lie but they think nothing of using non-logic when the topic is BW. Lets be honest: From observation alone BM do not exclusively choose BW as mates. Since we share the same DNA with them, I think its safe to say we also have the ability to not choose them exclusively as mates. Like them we can also choose our own ideal mates and dare I say it: focus on how we want to feel in a relationship. Its dumb for anyone of any race to declare that they possess a inherent trait to prefer their own race, but when a BW says it, we come off as a bunch of masochists. Really? Has this BW not noticed the babymama epidemic, BW bashers etc.? Honestly, there is absolutely no reason to exclusively prefer a BM (they've done nothing to earn BW preference in the first place.Duh!) I think BW, as a habit, spout these cliches and refuse to focus on ideal character traits in a mate that would truly make their heart soar, because a lot BM can't and won't give them what they desire in a relationship. It's that whole pesky loyalty to a community that saw you as a lower being to begin with. ALL BW no matter who their mate is, needs to deactivate this stupid race loyalty. I've seen a lot of videos of BW talking about singlehood and BM shortage. I could never place the feeling I got from them until much later: I noticed when they talked about "wanting" a BM, I sensed absolutely NO PASSION. They always have this spaced out, slightly sad look aka programmed look. Besides having Black children, they can never fully explain WHY, its imperative they have a BM. They vaguely say "Only a BM can truly "get"/"love" a BW" but once you ask why ("b/c racism") and finally how...*crickets* I often wonder what love means to BW, when so many settle for scraps (whats this BM "love" they prefer?). If "Black love" was only ever the result of a fighting white folks, then their never was a true relationship to begin with. BW are abandoning NOTHING when they expand their dating/marriage options. No matter who a BW is with, she should dream big in terms of the type of love she wants. Stop being loyal to a community that was never loyal to you!

samadhi101 said...

I don't get why people keep trying to use "science" to keep BW focused on BM. People have also tried to use "science" to explain why a lot of BM are obsessed with light skin (folks have actually tried to tell me a lot BM are genetically wired to prefer light skin lol! ) I notice people never announce "it was INHERENT IN A BM'S MAKEUP TO WANT A BW!" A lot of Black folks can't even bring themselves to spread that lie but they think nothing of using non-logic when the topic is BW. Lets be honest: From observation alone BM do not exclusively choose BW as mates. Since we share the same DNA with them, I think its safe to say we also have the ability to not choose them exclusively as mates. Like them we can also choose our own ideal mates and dare I say it: focus on how we want to feel in a relationship. Its dumb for anyone of any race to declare that they possess a inherent trait to prefer their own race, but when a BW says it, we come off as a bunch of masochists. Really? Has this BW not noticed the babymama epidemic, BW bashers etc.? Honestly, there is absolutely no reason to exclusively prefer a BM (they've done nothing to earn BW preference in the first place.Duh!) I think BW, as a habit, spout these cliches and refuse to focus on ideal character traits in a mate that would truly make their heart soar, because a lot BM can't and won't give them what they desire in a relationship. It's that whole pesky loyalty to a community that saw you as a lower being to begin with. ALL BW no matter who their mate is, needs to deactivate this stupid race loyalty. I've seen a lot of videos of BW talking about singlehood and BM shortage. I could never place the feeling I got from them until much later: I noticed when they talked about "wanting" a BM, I sensed absolutely NO PASSION. They always have this spaced out, slightly sad look aka programmed look. Besides having Black children, they can never fully explain WHY, its imperative they have a BM. They vaguely say "Only a BM can truly "get"/"love" a BW" but once you ask why ("b/c racism") and finally how...*crickets* I often wonder what love means to BW, when so many settle for scraps (whats this BM "love" they prefer?). If "Black love" was only ever the result of a fighting white folks, then their never was a true relationship to begin with. BW are abandoning NOTHING when they expand their dating/marriage options. No matter who a BW is with, she should dream big in terms of the type of love she wants. Stop being loyal to a community that was never loyal to you!

Anonymous said...

Who in THE HELL said that, so I can stay away! Lol! That's crazy. I'm disappointed to read she feels that way, and I think she deserves to sit around ALONE waiting for some sorry BM to save her. I, too, fail to understand these BW in IRR who make such discouraging and deprecating commentary in public. I know I personally prefer white and Asian men, because they are better providers for their children, protectors of their women, and builders of their communities. BM aren't even interested in these roles. I hope non-BM are swayed by such foolish talk. There are MANY BW who will love and desire them for who they are and not because no BM was interested in being their man.

LOVE the post!

Anonymous said...

Honestly people need to learn to keep certain thoughts in their head and not speak or write it out loud.

How would she feel if she heard her husband say the same thing about her? I bet she wouldn't feel too good.

PS..... Sara, r u still having problems accessing your old site. I was able to view it. If you can access it, it will be a good idea to put a note redirecting readers over here.

taylor-sara said...

Anon. I wish I could. I can view it myself but cannot access it. or I would have put a redirecting note. I hate that no one knows where I am, its like starting all over again after 3 1/2 years!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could ask the other BWE/IR bloggers who had you on their roll to do a short announcement of the situation for the readers and also update their blogroll.

I think it's crazy how someone went to so much trouble to disrupt your blog. It could help the other bloggers up their security measures if they have to.

Anonymous said...

Great post!!!

Anonymous said...

Sara, I was just wondering. Have you alerted the other popular BWE blogs to the location of your new site, so they can help spread the word? I LOVE your blog and want you and other women to have the attention and access you deserve. If you want, I could send the ones I visit messages asking them if it would be okay to share with others your new location.

taylor-sara said...

That would be great anon. Since I was not able to even access the old blog to put up a note I had no way of letting everyone know. I had planned to email the other ladies after I complete a post today....

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to your new post! Send your messages, and I will email the few I visit as well.

Pug Lover said...

Hi Sara,
I have loved your insights for the longest time. Keep it up. Having been in an BW/WM relationship for 22 years, believe me I have heard it ALL. Nothing someone writes or says about BW/WM shocks me. However, I do agree with Traci, some BW don't really want to share the wealth. And that is sad because we need someone to care for us for a change.

BlackWomenDeserveBetter said...

EXCELLENT POST...And YES, I will be updating my blogroll and spreading the word!

Sandy said...

Sara, I love your blog and your no nonsense approach to telling the truth. The matter of bw becoming happy and free is too serious to candycoat or pretend that it's "not that bad" like the bc tries to make you think. I've noticed that as I redefine who I am as a bw, I've had to do a major overhaul. I've had to close the door on on the majority of my family members (b/c misery really does love company!!!!) I moved out of the bc, went back to college to get my degree and graduated(May '12), decided to relocate b/c the world is a big, beautiful place with lots of opportunities for bw that are open to new experiences. I recently ended a longterm friendship with a friend(bw) b/c she was offended when I told her that I'm no longer interested in dating bm and I'm only interested in men that are kind, loving, supportive, successful in their own lives, etc. She couldn't believe that I didn't have a lot of sympathy for the bm's struggle????????? Thank you, Sara, I discovered your blog at a time when I really needed encouragement.

lormarie said...

So glad you're back. Missed your no-nonsense posts.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to blogland, Sara. I hope you and your family are doing well.

Yes, there are some woman who would rather be the exception as far as dating/marrying out. This woman you wrote about is selfish. Educated? It's OK for her to marry out, especially since her married life is working well.
Hmmm, what about other bw?
She could careless if other bw found a quality man. I hope her readership is low.

Anonymous said...

@Sandy, congratulations.

You will find new friends. Your friend probably thought you were a bit uppity now that you have graduated and moved. If the old neighborhood wasn't a decent environment then it makes good sense to move.
The world is ever changing and we must change with it. Most bm who are doing well financially usually move out of the old neighborhood.

Enjoy your new life.

Anonymous said...

I recently stopped by your site and find your posts very honest and to the point. I would love to read your older post on the now hijacked blog. Is it possible that you could post a link to the old blog for us newbies to access the archives and catch-up?

Jessica said...

Hi Sara. I added you to my blogroll and briefly explained the situation with the previous blog. So sorry to hear that you were hacked, but glad that I found you through one of my Facebook friends.

I think BW who discourage other BW from being with non-Black men are somewhat narcissistic and don't care about the happiness of other BW. It's sad, but after hearing from my parents about the wealthy Black folks who were against Martin Luther King Jr., because they felt that equal rights for all Black people in America would make them less special, I should not be surprised.

I was married recently, and I'm so happy with my husband that I want every woman to feel the way that I do, but especially BW. It is disappointing that other BW could be so selfish.

That neighbor of yours is a real piece of work. If I saw a woman in an abusive, parasitic situation like yours I would encourage her to run like hell.

It just goes to prove that just because a BW is in an IRR does not mean that she is pro IRR for BW. Just for herself. SMH.

I have noticed that a few BW who claim to be pro IRR for BW will use pseudo science to prove that BW are undesirable to everyone. I have no idea what is in the minds of these women, but they usually date and marry non-BM themselves, yet continue to claim that BW are undesirable to all men, which doesn't make a lick of sense.

I remember one woman in particular (she posted on BW IRR blogs) who would argue that light skin attracted men, but dark skin attracted women, which makes no sense. I cannot remember her screen name, but she was very attached to her "facts" and stats.

taylor-sara said...

hi everyone thank you for your comments. Anon until I get around to it, if you google interracial love and spice by sara the old blog will pop up and you can read it....

Yes it's pretty incredible to believe but some ppl really enjoy seeing others struggling and sad, but it's very real.
I know back in the day when I'd left my first husband, and was a very young broke mom of I,I was forced to move in with my mother for over a year! And one of my close family members knew of a great housing program (and had used it) and never told me about it! Make no mistake about it, some ppl def want to see you suffer and struggle....

Anonymous said...

There are many black people who don't want other black people to progress. Sadly I have sister who is one. She knew and participated in a scheme which made her a lot of money and chose not to share the info with me. I think there are myriad reasons for this mentality: a belief in limited crumbs falling from the table; wishing to appear special; simple greed and meanness. Meanwhile these people will sprout incessantly how supportive they are of bp - my eye. These people are not generous of heart and wish no one they see as competition well.


Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
There are many black people who don't want other black people to progress. Sadly I have sister who is one. She knew and participated in a scheme which made her a lot of money and chose not to share the info with me."

If your sister's money making deal was a "scheme" she was probably doing you a favor by keeping you out of the process. LOL, someone has to raise the bail money.


Anonymous said...

I cant believe what is happening to BW except is happening to women everywhere. Real men are in short supply today simply because women are out earning them and other things--the recession is a he=session, and other women want to cut the competition all around. When WW see BW or AW with quality WM, they get a little testy as well

Aura Borealis said...

So true, I've always found men of other races more attractive, even when I was very young and generally speaking, even in primary school going all the way upto college, non-black boys gave me far more attention anyway! It's not that i don't find black men attractive, I just have a greater attraction elsewhere and there's nothing wrong with that.


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